Potato Disorders: Common Scab and Powdery Scab
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Two distinctly separate diseases commonly known as scab can infect potatoes, significantly reducing tube...
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Plastic, Fabric, and Marsh Hay Mulch with No-Till Organic Tomatoes
Author(s) Claire Strader, Julie Dawson. One of the most common criticisms of organic agriculture is that it relies too heavily on tillage. While o...
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Onion Thrips
Author(s) K. A. Delahaut. Onion thrips (Thrips tabaci) are an important annual pest of onion. They may attack nearly all garden crops, but serious...
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Onion Maggot
Author(s) K. A. Delahaut. Onion maggots (Hylemya antiqua) are tiny maggots that feed below ground on onion bulbs, making tunnels in the bulbs and ...
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Onion Disorders: Botrytis Leaf Blight, Leaf Fleck, and Neck Rot
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Three types of botrytis diseases affect onion crops. Botrytis leaf blight is a destructive disease cause...
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Onion Disorder: Soft Rot
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Bacterial decay, known as soft rot, is one of the most widespread and destructive storage diseases of on...
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Onion Disorder: Smut
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Onion smut can be a serious disease of onions, leeks, and shallots. The disease is caused by the fungi U...
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Onion Disorder: Purple Blotch
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Purple blotch causes onion leaves to become blighted and die prematurely. The result is reduced yields f...
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Onion Disorder: Fusarium Basal Rot
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. This disease, caused by the common soil fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae, can be found wherever on...
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Onion Disease: Downy Mildew
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Downy mildew is a destructive disease that can reduce yield and bulb quality of onions, garlic, leeks, s...
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Living Aisles under Organic Acorn Squash and Brussels Sprouts
Author(s) Claire Strader, Julie Dawson. One of the most common criticisms of organic agriculture is that it relies too heavily on tillage. While o...
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Japanese Beetles
Author(s) R. Chris Williamson. This fact sheet on the Japanese beetle, considered the single most important turf grass pest in the United States ...
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Insect Pest Management for Greenhouses
Author(s) R. Chris Williamson, Samuel Soper, P. J. Liesch. This handy chart lists pesticides that are most effective against common greenhouse pes...
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Author(s) K. A. Delahaut. Tomato and tobacco hornworms feed on tomatoes late in the season. This fact sheet details the insects' life cycle, the d...
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Herbicide Resistance Management in Vegetable Rotations
Author(s) Jed Colquhoun. When a weed species becomes resistant to a herbicide, it eliminates an entire class of available products. For commercial...
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Handbook of Pea Diseases
Author(s) D. J. Hagedorn. This guide provides essential scientific information and meaningful visual guidance regarding the most common diseases ...
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Author(s) K. A. Delahaut. Wireworms can damage a host of plants in home and commercial gardens alike, including corn and small grains, vegetables ...
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Work Efficiency Tip Sheet: Standard Containers
Author(s) Astrid Newenhouse, Bob Meyer, Larry Chapman. Durable, molded plastic containers can make harvesting, storing, and monitoring crop yield ...
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Work Efficiency Tip Sheet: Packing Shed Layout
Author(s) Astrid Newenhouse, Bob Meyer, Larry Chapman. Design a well-organized flow for tasks and products in your packing area (2 pages; Revised ...
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Work Efficiency Tip Sheet: Narrow Pallet System
Author(s) Astrid Newenhouse, Bob Meyer, Larry Chapman. Save time and energy with a narrow pallet system (2 pages; Revised in 2002). Download
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Work Efficiency Tip Sheet: Mesh Produce Bags: Easy Batch Processing
Author(s) Astrid Newenhouse, Bob Meyer, Larry Chapman. This series outlines easy ways to save time and money and reduce stress on your back while...
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Vine Crops Disorder: Scab
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Scab, also called gummosis, is one of the most important diseases affecting vine crops. In cool moist e...
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Vine Crops Disorder: Powdery Mildew
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Powdery mildew is a foliar disease that occurs late in the season on cucumbers, gourds, muskmelons, pump...
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Vine Crops Disorder: Bacterial Wilt
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Bacterial wilt, caused by Erwinia tracheiphila, is a destructive vascular disorder spread by cucumber be...
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