Marketing and Distribution
On-Farm Cold Storage of Fall-Harvested Fruit and Vegetable Crops: Planning, Design and Operation
Author(s) Scott A. Sanford, John Hendrickson. Using proper storage methods, crops harvested in the fall can be stored in bins or bulk piles for 2-...
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Grain Management Considerations in Low-Margin Years
Author(s) Damon Smith. During years when profit margins are low, knowing the right steps to take to produce grain can be challenging. This fact sh...
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Cooperatives: Principles and Practices in the 21st Century
Author(s) Kimberly A. Zeuli, Robert Cropp. For 75 years, Cooperatives: Principles and Practices in the 21st Century has served as a reference man...
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New Directions in Marketing for Farmers' Markets
Author(s) Kristin Krokowski, Terry Gaouette. Covers marketing terms, the four primary marketing strategies, how to develop and implement a marketi...
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Direct Marketing: Risk, Liability, and Insurance for Direct Marketers
Author(s) Jody Padgham. Farmers increase their risk and exposure to lawsuits by marketing their products directly to consumers.The public has beco...
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Direct Marketing: Strategies to Attract and Keep Customers
Author(s) Jody Padgham. Farmers who sell their products by direct marketing need to take the time to reflect on successes and failures in the busi...
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Direct Marketing: Selling to Institutions
Author(s) Bill Wright. Institutions such as schools, hospitals, and nursing homes can offer new and profitable markets to farmers who can respond ...
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Direct Marketing: Selling Directly to Restaurants
Author(s) Bill Wright. For farmers, there are several advantages to selling directly to restaurants. First, restaurants provide a steady market th...
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Direct Marketing: Pick-Your-Own Operations and Farm Stand Options for Your Business
Author(s) Rose Skora. Both farm stands and pick-your-own operations are a great way to connect with customers and make your products available to ...
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Direct Marketing: Meeting the Challenges of Direct Marketing
Author(s) Bill Wright. Farm marketing, while challenging, is an exciting and rewarding business. The direct marketing arena is experiencing vigoro...
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Direct Marketing: Market Research: Surveying Customers to Determine Their Needs
Author(s) Bill Wright. Marketing research helps identify and define marketing opportunities and problems, allows you to evaluate your marketing ef...
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Direct Marketing: Farming and Tourism
Author(s) Rose Skora. The $11.8 billion that tourists spend in Wisconsin and the $16.8 billion that agriculture contributes to the state economy c...
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Direct Marketing: Direct Marketing Meat
Author(s) Rose Skora. Whether you are currently a meat producer or thinking of starting a livestock business and selling directly to consumers, th...
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Direct Marketing: Crop Budgets for Direct Marketers
Author(s) Bill Wright. Before producing a crop, growers need to know its market potential. Developing a marketing plan for each individual crop wi...
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Direct Marketing: Creating a Winning Display for Your Farm Products
Author(s) Jody Padgham. An attractive and inviting display is crucial for anyone selling farm products directly to customers. It may seem obvious ...
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Direct Marketing: Are Farmers' Markets a Good Fit for Your Business?
Author(s) Rose Skora. Participating in a farmers' market can be a good business option for producers. For farmers who attend a number of markets t...
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Developing Your Farm's Marketing Plan
Author(s) Rose Skora. One of the challenges faced by farmers who direct market their products is determining the target market. What do your custo...
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Exploring Cooperatives: Economic Democracy and Community Development in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin
Author(s) Craig Borowiak, Richardson Dilworth, Anne Reynolds. Visit the many cooperatives of Philadelphia and Madison in this spiral-bound compend...
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Direct Marketing: What is Organic Agriculture?
Author(s) Jody Padgham. Many of us who sell at farmers' markets are often asked, "Is your (lamb, corn, cheese, chicken, melon, etc.) organic?" Con...
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Direct Marketing: What is Community Supported Agriculture?
Author(s) Bill Wright. Community-supported agriculture (CSA) refers to a partnership between a farmer and a community of supporters. At the beginn...
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Direct Marketing: To Your Customer's Door: Direct Delivery
Author(s) Jody Padgham. Direct delivery marketing allows a producer access to customers without the challenges of negotiating sales space in a ret...
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Direct Marketing: Resources for Direct Marketers in Wisconsin
Author(s) Jody Padgham. (2 pages; 2006) Download
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Direct Marketing: I'm Right and You're Wrong: Do's and Don'ts in Customer Service
Author(s) Jody Padgham. When taking on the role of a direct marketer of your own products, you are also stepping into the position of customer ser...
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Direct Marketing: Fruit and Vegetable Safety on the Farm
Author(s) Bill Wright. While stories about contaminated food make headlines from time to time, as a direct marketer you are in an excellent positi...
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Direct Marketing: Employing Farm Workers
Author(s) Rose Skora. Laws that govern the employment of farm workers in Wisconsin can be complex and confusing. Determining the appropriate agenc...
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Direct Marketing: Direct Marketing Options for Farmers
Author(s) Rose Skora. The good news for anyone new to direct marketing is that there are a wide variety of marketing options available for farm pr...
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Direct Marketing: Cooperatives: Their Role for Farm Producers
Author(s) Jody Padgham. Cooperatives (commonly referred to as co-ops) have played a significant role in Wisconsin agriculture and have the potenti...
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Direct Marketing Meat: A Resource for Direct Market Meat Producers in Wisconsin
Author(s) Greg Lawless, Editor; Introduction by Rose Skora. This detailed book is built around information presented at meat marketing workshops a...
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Creating a Successful EBT Program: A Guide for Wisconsin Farmers' Markets
Author(s) Kristin Krokowski. In their effort to serve the community, farmers' market managers must consider the potential of offering Electronic B...
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