Preventing conflicts whenever possible is the best and usually least expensive option for coexisting with wildlife. Such is the central thought of this second publication in the "Living With Wildlife in Wisconsin" series. The authors suggest ways of approaching the problem of getting along with neighbors other than humans-neighbors that may give you pleasure (such as birds, rabbits, raccoons) but that may upon occasion give you heartburn (pecking holes in your house, eating your lettuce, tipping over your garbage can).
They suggest these steps for solving a wildlife problem: identify the perpetrator (not always easy), learn about the creature's habits, plan a strategy for dealing with the situation, and be prepared to do some trial-and-error experimentation since seldom are solutions to wildlife problems quick and easy. They suggest pausing, at some point, to rethink the whole situation in order to decide whether the problem is really so dire that it is worth the hassle of solving it.
Other publications in this series offer solutions for problems with specific species-woodpecker, mole, raccoon, rabbit, and so on (8 pages; 2012).