Tomato and Pepper Disorders: Bacterial Spot and Speck
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Bacterial spot and speck are found wherever tomatoes or peppers are grown. On occasion, these diseases ...
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Tomato Disorders: Fusarium and Verticillium Wilts
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Fusarium and Verticillium wilts once routinely devastated tomato crops. However, the availability of res...
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Tomato Disorder: Physiological Fruit Problems
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Environmental factors can affect the look—and sometimes the flavor—of developing tomato fruits. Because ...
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Vine Crops Disorder: Angular Leaf Spot
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Angular leaf spot is a bacterial disease that can be economically damaging to cucumbers, honeydew melon,...
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Vine Crops Disease: Phytophthora Blight
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Phytophthora blight is a fungal disease capable of completely destroying zucchini, pumpkin, summer squas...
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Tomato Late Blight
Author(s) Amanda Gevens, Jaime Wilbur. Late blight can result in complete destruction of tomato crops if left unmanaged. Learn about the symptoms...
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Tomato Disorders: Early Blight and Septoria Leaf Spot
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Both early blight and Septoria leaf spot are potentially serious diseases that affect the leaves, stems,...
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Potato Late Blight
Author(s) Amanda Gevens, Jaime Wilbur. Late blight affects a variety of plants in the Solanaceae family but is best known for its destruction of ...
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Vine Crops Disorder: Scab
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Scab, also called gummosis, is one of the most important diseases affecting vine crops. In cool moist e...
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Vine Crops Disorder: Powdery Mildew
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Powdery mildew is a foliar disease that occurs late in the season on cucumbers, gourds, muskmelons, pump...
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Vine Crops Disorder: Bacterial Wilt
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Bacterial wilt, caused by Erwinia tracheiphila, is a destructive vascular disorder spread by cucumber be...
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Vine Crops Disorder: Anthracnose
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Anthracnose is a destructive fungal disease of the foliage, stems, and fruit of cucumbers, gourds, muskm...
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Tomato Disorder: Post-Harvest Fruit Diseases
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Even though symptoms may not appear until after harvest, many of the disease-causing organisms that caus...
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Potato Disorders: Common Scab and Powdery Scab
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Two distinctly separate diseases commonly known as scab can infect potatoes, significantly reducing tube...
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Onion Disorders: Botrytis Leaf Blight, Leaf Fleck, and Neck Rot
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Three types of botrytis diseases affect onion crops. Botrytis leaf blight is a destructive disease cause...
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Onion Disorder: Soft Rot
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Bacterial decay, known as soft rot, is one of the most widespread and destructive storage diseases of on...
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Onion Disorder: Smut
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Onion smut can be a serious disease of onions, leeks, and shallots. The disease is caused by the fungi U...
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Onion Disorder: Purple Blotch
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Purple blotch causes onion leaves to become blighted and die prematurely. The result is reduced yields f...
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Onion Disorder: Fusarium Basal Rot
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. This disease, caused by the common soil fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae, can be found wherever on...
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Onion Disease: Downy Mildew
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Downy mildew is a destructive disease that can reduce yield and bulb quality of onions, garlic, leeks, s...
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Handbook of Pea Diseases
Author(s) D. J. Hagedorn. This guide provides essential scientific information and meaningful visual guidance regarding the most common diseases ...
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Cucurbit Downy Mildew: Identification and Management
Author(s) Amanda Gevens, Michelle Marks. Cucurbit downy mildew is a destructive disease of all plants in the gourd family, including cucumber, wa...
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Corn Disorders: Smut and Rust
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Common smut is caused by the fungus Ustilago maydis and is the most widespread disease of sweet corn, oc...
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Cole Crops Disorder: Clubroot
Author(s) Karen Delahaut, Walt Stevenson. Clubroot is an old and serious disease of cole crops, including Brussels sprouts, cabbage, Chinese cabba...
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